Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Races Season

Miles is 2013: 786
Days until the NYC Marathon: 31!

Well it's official - race season is here in Central Florida!  I love races - the getting up early, finding your friends, the porto potties, and the medals.  Sometimes I get crazy and sign up for what most people would think is too many, but that's ok I love them.  I started off race season with the Miracle Miles 15k.  I had sworn I wouldn't ever run this race, it's notoriously hot. and a 15k is too long to be running in the heat and sun for me.  However, in the delirium I was in on our last long run Mary managed to convince us to all run the race and wear yellow to show support for a friend's son who is battling cancer.  I tried to keep up with the group but lost it around mile 4 or 5 after spending two miles with my nemesis the sun!  Even though I struggled through the middle I was glad to see that I took over 5 minutes off of my previous 15k time!


Some of the group before the race

Leah and I with bling and PR's!

Next up I earned some sweet looking virtual bling from Jost Running.  I cranked out the Soaring 5k pretty easy one morning.  Then for our last long run weekend I put in 14 miles to earn the Soaring Half Marathon bling, while it looks like I didn't run it straight through, all I did was drop of a group member and pick up some more so I restarted my watch in there.  The October race series from them has THE MOST AMAZING LOOKING BLING!  I cannot wait to get my hands on those!

Add those together for my half marathon
Love these big sparkly medals!
Coming up:
For the rest of the fall I might have just a few races:
  • Susan G Komen Race for the Cure 5k
  • UCF 5 and 2 Milers
  • Cherokee Harvest Half Marathon
  • Baldwin Park Half Marathon
  • Fight for Air Stairclimb
  • Space Coast Half
  • OUC Half
  • DOPEY!


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