This weekend our training schedule had us running on both Saturday and Sunday. A bunch of the girls I run with have bit the bullet and signed up for Disney's Goofy's Race and a Half. This means the second weekend in January we'll be running the Donald Half Marathon on Saturday, and the 20th anniversary Mickey Full Marathon on Sunday. 39.3 miles total that weekend (with some talks of tossing in a 5k on the Friday as well!) It definitely seems a little bit Goofy to be logging all of the miles that training for this race will require, but now with a purpose that matters they don't seem so bad.
Before my Sunday Goofy Training Run
All around me I have been noticing things that remind me of Jen and one of the coolest was on our Saturday run. Rounding the corner to our finish area I noticed a heart with an A and a J in it on the sidewalk. We run parts of the same route most weekends but I've never really noticed it before. It made me happy and made me think of Jen (and my husband who is also a J). It's funny how things you never notice suddenly mean so much to you.
On my run A+J
Wonder who the frist A + J was and how many years ago this was carved in fresh cement?