Miles in 2013: 733.2
Days Until the NYC Marathon: 50!
Today we had another 20 mile training run for NYC. Unlike the last time we attempted to run this long, today's run was miserable! We had planned on a 23 mile route, but by about 15 or 16 miles we were beyond miserable so Leah and I turned around and stomped our way back to a 19.5 mile finish. In the heat and humidity it still seemed like a good effort. Later, I was glad to see all of my fellow running friends' posts and they all sounded just as miserable. Hopefully Fall and some cooler temps will roll into Central Florida before our last 24 mile training run.

A few weekends ago I traveled with a fantastic group of friends to Disneyland to participate in the inaugural Dumbo Double Dare, which is a 10k and a Half Marathon over the weekend. We had a blast playing in the parks. The original goal had been to run the 10k as an easy warm up and then try and run an amazing time in the half marathon. After we got to California and realized that it was just as hot and humid as Florida, Dennis and I changed our plan. I listened to him (don't tell him that it worked) and ran negative splits both days. Dennis loves to slow me down at the beginning, and never remembers that somewhere deep inside of me I store a reservoir of energy for a final kick at the end of the race. The 10k day I felt miserable until mile 5.75 when I looked over and realized that I was passing JOEY FATONE! Although Dennis didn't know who it was, he now curses his name because I took off determined to finish in front of him. He was super nice and even took a sweaty finish line photo with me. The half day we ran according to the negative split plan, and because the final miles happen so much later than the previous day, both of us were feeling it. But true to form at mile 11 as we entered back into the parks I kicked in my second wind and pushed Dennis hard for those last 2 miles. Although it wasn't the time we had originally hope for, it was better than we anticipated and was in my top 5 Half Marathon finishes. I also picked up 4 pretty stellar medals, and I think the Dumbo medal may be my favorite ever!

Finish line pic with Joey Fatone
3 minute 10k PR
Dennis and I with the weekend's bling
Besides the NYC Marathon, I have several other race in the next 50 days! Next weekend a bunch of us are doing the Miracle Miles 15k, then a Susan Komen Race for the Cure, the UCF 5 and 2 miler Distance Dare, the Cherokee Harvest Half, a few virtual races, and I'll also be volunteering at a water stop at the Tower of Terror 10 Miler. Just a little bit busy for the next month and a half, maybe all those events will help me pass the time until we arrive in the Big Apple!